Symptoms We Treat
Photo by Mitchell Hollander on Unsplash
Chronic Pain
Don’t live your live at an acceptable level of misery! How often have we heard…”my doctor told me I would just have to live with it…I’m just getting old…I’ve had it for so long, I’m used to it.” To quote the old song, “It ain’t necessarily so!”, Chiropractic care, nutritional support, and a willingness to make some lifestyle changes have enhanced people’s lives who thought they were stuck with constant medication and pain for life.
Athletic Injuries
Kinesiology based Chiropractic assessment and treatment allows us to assess the needs of athletes, specific to the demands of their sport. You will be able to get back in the game quicker, play without pain, and enhance your performance. It should also be noted that an athletic event is the use of a specific set of muscles to perform a specific task, repeatedly. That means if you rake leaves for three hours, push a vacuum cleaner, or sit at a computer all day, you are engaging in an athletic activity and you don’t have a trainer. At the Medicine Wheel, you do.
Restore motion and strength to your shoulders, arms, and legs. We will coordinate corrective care, exercises, and ergonomic changes to get the numbness, tingling, and weakness out of your shoulders, fingers, and feet. Also, studies have shown that correcting extremities can help back, neck, and core pain.
90% of jaw pain and dysfunction is from musculoskeletal problems. The muscles in your jaw are the strongest in your body. Try crushing a piece of ice with your hand! Muscles that strong need to be in complete coordination with each other and the bones they move (your jaw). If they aren’t then clicking, popping, painful chewing, headaches, sore neck, poor digestion, and more can result.
Dr. Brents was the neuromuscular therapist for the former head of the Emery School of Dentistry in Atlanta. His experience with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction is extensive. He has worked in coordination with dentists, orthodontists, and oral surgeons. A solution to your jaw problems can be found!