Types of Treatment
“All of these procedures combine to form a problem-solving system that is effective, quick, and suitable for complex problems that have not yielded to other approaches.”
- David Brents
Structural Treatment
Dr. Brents is a Certified Acupuncturist. He has made the work of Master Tung, one of the most famous acupuncturists of the last century, a special interest of his and the corner stone of his acupuncture work.
Combining, Master Tung’s powerful needling patterns (Dao Mao) with Applied Kinesiology’s muscle testing and “Two Pointing”, Dr. Brents is able to “consolidate the weak “ or disperse the congested”, thereby balancing the body’s flow of chi.
This approach allows Dr. Brents an innovative and effective tool to, as the saying goes, “Give the person back to themselves”, whether the issue be metabolic, structural, or emotional.
Applied Kinesiology is a system that evaluates structural, chemical, and mental aspects of health, using manual muscle testing combined with standard methods of diagnosis.
Stressors on a system, structural, chemical, or mental, will change muscle tone. Monitoring these changes allow us, in essence, to “ask” your nervous system what’s wrong. Using the same techniques, we can find out what will correct the problem.
Bio-Resonance Therapy is a bio-feedback system that monitors autonomic distress signals during testing which helps to select the most therapeutic procedure.
Chiro+Kinesiology utilizes diagnostic “hand modes,” a language of hand positions that tests for specific tissue disfunctions in the body.
The bones of the cranium (your head) have a faint, rhythmic motion. This motion helps generate and circulate Cerebral Spinal Fluid. This fluid bathes the brain and nerves, keeping them healthy and fully functional. Compromise of this system can create a vast array of symptoms from headaches, “brain fog”, and dizziness to metabolic and digestive problems. Craniopathy detects and corrects problems with this rhythmic system.
The principals of acupuncture are used to manipulate and balance meridian energy. (No needles!)
Before and during Chripractic College, Dr. Brents was a neuromuscular therapist for 8 years. NMT is a hands-on muscle therapy that reduces pain, increases range of motion, and normalizes muscle tone. Dr. Brents was trained and certified by Paul St. John, the creator of NMT.
Sacro-Occipital Technique is a gentle system of restoring function by using wedge shaped blocks to allow the body to seek its natural alignment. SOT recognizes the relationship between the structure and the cranial system, thereby allowing us to access cause of dysfunction at the deepest level.
Chemical Treatment
In my experience, I have found few true allergies. The majority of allergic reactions that plague people may be called sensitivities, meaning that because of an imbalance or deficiency, the body is reacting inappropriately. If this is the case, then it may be possible to desensitize you to that substance. While you may not be able to take a bath in it, or make it the cornerstone of your diet, if you are exposed to something that is essentially nontoxic, then it shouldn’t put your system in the toilet.
Detox programs can be used to de-stress your digestion and metabolism. Weight loss issues or general vitality concerns can be addressed by one of our several detox programs. Problems which have not yielded to many other attempts can be addressed by a healthy, optimally functioning, self-healing system (which we are!). Through detoxification, we remove those things that prevent our body’s expression of self-healing.
At the Medicine Wheel, we use herbs for nutritional support that come from Western, Chinese, Ayurvedic, and South American traditions.
At the Medicine Wheel, we have a variety of ways to help you balance your nutritional profile. Our protocols allow us to recommend specific nutrients to fit your specific needs. We have moved beyond the “try this and see what happens” method. We feature hypoallergenic high potency vitamins and minerals and whole food supplements.
Mind Body Treatment
Tai Chi is the original body-mind connection system. At the Medicine Wheel, Tai Chi concepts may be used to calm the mind, balance, stretch, and strengthen the body, and unify the process.