Tai Chi
Cloud Dragon
Tai Chi is the original body-mind connection system. At the Medicine Wheel, Tai Chi concepts may be used to calm the mind, balance, stretch, and strengthen the body, and unify the process.
Dr. Brents has practice martial arts for over 20 years, and is your source for Chen Style Tai Chi in the Charlottesville, VA area.
He is founder of Cloud Dragon Chen Style Tai Chi School and the following is a description of the style and curriculum for those interested is investigating Chen Style Tai Chi.
The Style
Of all the major styles Chen Style is considered the most martial. While the training is slow and “internal”, with the emphasis on developing the body frame and building chi, there are, even in the foundation form, brief moments when the student is required to show the Fa Jin or “issuing energy”. Fa Jin is movements in which the slow, graceful cadence of the form is punctuated by fast, powerful movements. We will not be banging on each other at Cloud Dragon; however, Tai Chi’s martial heritage will be kept alive so the student will understand what the movements are and why they are done a certain way.
The Training
Cloud Dragon training will consist of learning Lao Jia, the foundation form, Pao Chui the power form, and the competition form, the “56”. Silk reeling exercises, Chi Kung training, Wu Chi standing meditation, push hands, the straight sword, saber and kwan dao, will round out the program.
The program can and will be adapted to fit any level of experience and physical ability. Whether a beginner or advanced student, you will find something for you in Chen Style Tai Chi.
The Instructor
You will learn from Dr. David Brents. Dr. David began studying martial arts in 1969. He studied karate with Bill “Superfoot” Wallace in Memphis in the early 70’s and then Tae Kwan Do with Master C.K. Kim in New York City in the late 70’s. Dr. David trained in Atlanta with Master Francis Fong throughout the 80’s and rose to the rank of instructor in Master Fong’s Wing Chun Academy.
During his time with Master Fong, Dr David trained Kali with Dan Inosanto, Thai Boxing with Master Chai Shirashuite, and Pentjak Silat with the Pendekar Paul DeThouars.
For the last 18 years Dr. David has had the honor of training Chen Style Tai Chi with Master Wang Hai Jun, a 12th generation lineage holder of the Chen Tradition, and 3 time champion of the All-China Tournament.
The Tradition
Until about 30 years ago Chen Style was a guarded style and rarely seen outside of China. Master Wang, who was raised in Chen Village, and is the “indoor disciple” of Grandmaster Chen Zhen Lei, has brought out the training of Chen Village in its’ traditional form. Dr. David is committed to transmitting this tradition to his students.
Chen Style Tai Chi is a sublime system of self-cultivation, whether it be subtle, meditative circulation of chi for health and mental clarity, or earth shaking Fa Jin power training for self defense and physical development, there is something for everyone who is attracted to the art.